My Makeup Evolution

My Makeup Evolution

The day of my 8th birthday was the greatest day of my entire life. My mom got me a sparkly purple box and inside of it was pink eye shadow and blush. I was so excited.  She also got me a purple stripe scarf with matching gloves and a hat and you know I had to wear the entire set. I wore my bright pink eye shadow, bright pink blush and purple stripe gloves, scarf, and hat to school.... I know... I don't want to talk about it ever again.

After my 8th birthday, my friend Bridget taught me how to do my makeup more subtle so it looked like I wasn't even wearing any. (I still thank her for that)  That is a picture of me at 10 wearing makeup the right way. Let me point out really quick THE FEATHERS.  2007 HARDCORE BABY.

When I was around 10 years old super thin eyebrows were still in and as you can tell from the picture I had really thick, gorgeous eyebrows (that are now crazy popular).  I hated my eyebrows. Everything about them UNTILLL I found Cara Delevingne and she changed everything I thought I knew about eyebrows.

A few years later I was 14 and I was still wearing super light makeup. I was an active kid so I never really put on makeup because I would just sweat it off.

A little bit later I turned 17 and stuff like this became popular... so I decided to give it a try! I went and bought $70 worth of makeup including bronzer, concealer, highlight, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, eyebrow pencil... EVERYTHING. The day I wore all my makeup to school I got lots and lots of compliments. I hated it. There was too much makeup on my face and I just felt fake but I kept wearing all that makeup every day (not to mention it took literally an hour to put on). I couldn't leave the house until I put all my makeup on which became a huge hassle for me.

One day I was on Pinterest and I found this picture of Lucy Hale. I completely fell in love with that look so I recreated it. I used a tiny bit of concealer, a little bit of bronzer, eye shadow on my upper and lower lid, mascara, brushed up eyebrows and chap stick. The look took 20 mins and I felt so bare! I had on a quarter of the makeup I usually have on.

After I loved that look for a couple of weeks I went back to the super heavy makeup. I had moved and I was in a different state and everyone didn't really wear makeup. Everyone was obsessed with the natural look. It was different because that's not what was popular back home. SO I changed my look once more into the look I have now. Bold eyebrows, light eye shadow, sometimes some mascara, maybe some eyeliner on my lower lid, highlight and on a good day... some lip gloss. It's sure to change whenever the newest trend comes into play.


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