Everything you need to know about EYELASH EXTENSIONS

The actual process of getting them on was awesome! I got to fall asleep in a dim room while some lady worked for 2 hours to fill my eyelashes. The first time I saw myself with the eyelashes I fell in love. They looked so amazing. I was blown away. I wasn't so in love with the cost... it drained me $200 not including the tip. I only had them in for 2 weeks then they all fell out, my natural lashes weren't affected at all. Fills cost $100 and I wasn't down to drop that much for just my eyelashes.

how she afforded it and she told me IT ONLY COST $60. The next day I went and got mine done. The woman who did it for me did it out of her own home and the eyelashes weren't as luxurious but it was still a great deal! $60 full set and $30 fills?? A steal!! (In Utah a lot of people do eyelash extensions out of their own home. It's a competitive service so prices are pretty low.)
(That picture is the cheap eyelashes from Utah and they still look so good!!!)
After a few months,
I didn't really feel like paying $60 a month for my eyelashes anymore so I naturally let the extensions fall out. Not going to lie to you... IT WAS ROUGH. First off seeing them go was hard but also the glue and the cheap eyelashes the woman used killed my natural lashes. Now my eyelashes are way shorter than they used to be but I'm working on getting them back to their natural state.
IN CONCLUSION - Eyelash extensions are nice if they are done right and if you have the funds. They're really annoying because you can't get them wet and you have to get them filled and everything but if you're into it... go for it! While I had them in, I loved every second.
xoxo, Anna
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