Why I choose Social Media Marketing at 18

I think we all remember being asked relentlessly what we wanted to be when we got older. My first answer was a singer than a dancer than a teacher than a scientist than a marine biologist... and the list continues for a while. I would develop an infatuation for the certain topic and then a few days later I would completely burn out of the motivation to keep the dream going. Social Media Marketing has been a completely different experience.
I never truly enjoyed school. Sunday nights I would cry because I knew I had to go to school the next day (yes, even when I was 15). I hated having to get up and get ready to go to a school where I really did nothing. I know education is extremely important but I was too stubborn to apply myself so I never got anything out of it until my mom asked me if I wanted to be homeschooled. That changed my life completely. I no longer had to sit in a classroom and listen to a teacher (that I most likely hated). I could study a lot of what I loved and less of what I didn't. I no longer cried on Sunday nights and I was actually excited about getting up in the morning to learn.
Everything was going really great until one day my parents pulled me into their office and said: "Anna, you need to get a job." I wasn't very happy, but a week later I started working at our local Harris Teeter. The job was fine at first, I was learning how to operate the register and the self-checkout machine so everything was pretty easy. After a few weeks of working there, I started to dread going to work. The job was monotonous and I hated most every customer that came through my line. For some reason, I never figured out, they had one day a week where my managers would put us "on call". If you don't know what "on call" is, it's horrible. You have to call in between a specific time and when the manager answers you say to them "I'm on call" and every single time they will say back "Hold on one second, let me see if we need you. I'm going to put you on hold." The 45 seconds you are on hold is the longest 45 seconds of your entire life. When the hold music turns off you PRAY TO THE LORD ABOVE she says "You're good, we don't need you." Rarely that never happens, they usually always need you.
Harris Teeter wasn't my only job. At the time I was working at Harris Teeter I was also working at American Eagle. Some days I would leave at 8:30 in the morning and be back at 10 that night. I really hated both of my jobs. I hated being at the bottom of the food chain, I hated that I was always told what to do, I hated that I had set hours and I hated being with difficult customers for 6 hours (or more) every day. During my Junior year, I decided to drop out of Home School and go back to Hough High School. I'm not really sure why I did that. I was going to be juggling early morning seminary, working out, working two jobs and getting through my JUNIOR YEAR IN HIGHSCHOOL, THE MOST DIFFICULT YEAR IN HIGHSCHOOL. It wasn't fun. I would get 3 hours of sleep a night, run before early morning seminary, go to early morning seminary, fall asleep in early morning seminary, go to all my classes, go to work, come home at 10, do homework until 12 or sometimes 1 and then wake up the next morning at 3:30 to run before seminary... I think you get it.
That's when it all clicked for me. The only way for me to be my own boss, set my own hours, and do something I love was to be my own boss. I experimented with a few different ideas and did my research but nothing really stood out. It all seemed boring. Until one day I was on YouTube and I got this ad from a guy named Tai Lopez. He was in a garage full of Lamborghinis and I skipped right through the ad becuase it was 100% a scam, but before I skipped it I saw in the bottom right corner the ad said "Social Media Marketer." I did (MORE) research and started to understand what a Social Media Marketer does and I became really interested. I started to dive deeper and deeper into strategies, promotion plans, and building websites. I realized that being a SMM means you can set your own hours, be your own boss and pick the customers you work with. I couldn't give that opportunity up.
Now I've completely immersed myself into our shallow society of Social Media.
xoxo, Anna
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